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Learning outdoors

Being outside is really important to everyone at North Islington Nursery School. Staff value the importance of the learning that takes place in our garden spaces and outdoor learning is fully integrated within our curriculum.

The spaces in the outside areas offer the potential for children to learn about the world around them and to develop skills on a much larger scale than inside. We try to ensure that outside learning offers different opportunities than those inside. For example, when outside, children have the opportunity to develop gross motor skills such as transporting and constructing with large and heavy blocks.

They have the opportunity to climb, balance, swing and roll. These types of skills are difficult to practice and refine when indoors so we ensure that our children have maximum time to be outside if that is what they choose. We do not have a set period of time for being outside. Our free flow policy enables children to choose which learning space that they want to be in and their play is not interrupted by calling children inside. The outside spaces are treated as classrooms and are just as important and valued by the staff as the inside.

Being outside is really important to everyone at North Islington Nursery School. Staff value the importance of the learning that takes place in our garden spaces and outdoor learning is fully integrated within our curriculum.

At North Islington Nursery School, we go outside in all kinds of weathers. Sunshades protect us from the sun during warmer times and waterproof clothing and wellies allow the children to go outside and jump in puddles and to build snowmen! When weathers are extreme, staff monitor how hot/cold children are to ensure they are comfortable and safe.

The environment outside is well cared for and provides opportunities for children to grow plants and vegetables which are used in cooking activities. It provides spaces for children to hide, whilst developing imaginative play games or to find a quiet spot to reflect and be calm. Many of the children who attend the school do not have an outside space at home so it is vitally important to provide an outside learning space that is fit for purpose, used and loved by all.